tCrypto – Crypto WordPress Theme
tCrypto is designed to be used as a theme for Crypto-oriented WordPress sites such as Crypto consultancy, crypto mining store, crypto currency based or news site, etc.
Responsive Design
100+ Admin Panel/Customizer Options
Customizer Sections:
Site Identity: Logo, Site Title, Tagline, Logo width (for different resolutions), Site Icon
Colors: Background, Content, Text, Links, Headings Color (h1, h2, h3), Buttons, Header (Background, Text, Link), Menu (Text, Burger Menu Icon, Drop Down), Footer (Background, Text, Link Color), etc.
General: Blog Layout, Enable/Disable preloading effect, show/hide images box shadows, Code Before </head> tag, Code before </body> tag, Tracking Code (i.e. Google Analytics), show/hide posts author info, show/hide social sharing, show/hide Sidebar in posts and pages, display Sidebar in Left.
Header and Footer: show/hide Search Icon in Menu, show/hide Login Icon in Menu, show/hide Breadcrumb in Header, Page Header Background Image, Number of Columns in Footer, show/hide Social Icons in Footer, show/hide Footer Menu, Copyright Text.
Slider: show/hide in Home Page, show/hide in All Pages, Slider Background Color, Slides (up to 10) Image, Title, Text, URL, and URL Text.
Social Sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, RSS Feeds, Tumblr, YouTube channel, Pinterest.
Lightbox: Enable/Disable on Home Page, Blog Index Page, Posts, Pages, Archive, Group Items.
Thumbnails: Enable/Disable Globally, Thumbnail image size (small, medium, large, full).
WooCommerce Settings: Show/Hide WooCommerce Sidebar, Products per Page, Colors (Price, Mini Cart Buttons, Cart and Checkout Buttons.
One Click Demo Import
You can easily import demo content to your site (same as our Premium theme preview) with one click.
WooCommerce Plugin Support
Fully Compatible with WooCommerce Plugin (the most popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress out there).
Gutenberg Built-in Blocks Support and Additional Blocks
Gutenberg (default WordPress Editor) support includes:
- CSS styles for default WordPress Gutenberg blocks
- Additional (built-in theme) Blocks: Skills, Number Counter, Team Members, Testimonials, and Classes, Classes Schedule
Custom Post Types
Custom Post Types (built-in theme):
- Team Members: Showcase members of your company or team and their info (Name, Picture, Position, Bio, Social Sites, Email, Phone) in your site.
- Testimonials: Publish your Testimonials (Title, Quote, Person’s Name, Position in Company, Company Name, Client Link)
- Projects: Showcase your Portoflio Projects (Name, Description, Client, Company, Link).
- Clients: List your Clients on your site (Name, URL, Image/Logo).
Other Features
- Easy Installation & Setup (Simply Upload and Activate the Theme into WordPress Dashboard)
- Latest WordPress Version Ready
- bbPress Integration
- Built-in Page navigation
- Custom Page Templates
- Multi-Level Drop-Down Custom Menu
- Multiple Browsers: Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari.
- Threaded Comments
- FontAwesome Icons
- Built-in Breadcrumb
- Posts and Pages Social Sharing
- Author Information Boxes after Posts and Pages
- SEO Optimized Semantically valid HTML5 code and CSS which helps the Search Engines to easily index your website content.
- Translation Ready: .pot file included