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Contact Form Template

All of our Premium WordPress Themes come with a built-in Contact Form included in a separate page template.

You can easily add the contact form you an existing page:

  1. Create new or open an existing page
  2. Right Column -> Page Attributes -> Template -> Select ‘Contact Page’
    contact template
  3. Cick on ‘Publish’ (or ‘Update’) button to save the changes
  4. Now when you open the Page, the contact form will be displayed:

contact form with captcha

Note: When the contact form is filled and submitted, it will send an email to the Admin Email (which is set to Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Settings -> General -> Email Address).

You can customize the Google Map and the Right Sidebar:

  1. Navigate to Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Customize
  2. Open ‘Contact Page’ section
  3. Update fields for Google Map and Right Content Area

You can also add a CAPTCHA to your Contact Form:

  1. Download the Really Simple CAPTCHA PluginSource: https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-captcha/
  2. Upload the plugin to Your WordPress site (Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Plugins -> Add New)
  3. Install and Activate the plugin.