If you use our TishClinic Theme, you may want to change the default pink colors of the Header Phone button and Slider allows to some other colour i.e. green. Here is a a guide how it can be done:
1. Login to your Admin Panel
2. Navigate to Left Menu Appearance -> Customize -> ‘Additional CSS’ section
3. To change the colour of phone button, insert the following code:
.wrd-button {
border-color: #8fb568 !important;
background-color: #8fb568 !important;
Note: You can change the value ‘#8fb568’ to any other color.
4. To change the colour of Slider arrows, insert the following code:
.slick-arrow {
background-color: #8fb568 !important;
5. If you want to change the line color below title:

it is tricky because it’s loaded from image (tishclinic/images/line.png).
One option would be to edit/update the line.png image and override the update image to tishclinic/images/line.png.
Or the option is simply to hide that line by inserting the following code in ‘Additional CSS’ section:
.page-content h2.has-text-align-center:after {
display:none !important;
6. To change Testimonial colors:

insert the following code in ‘Additional CSS’ section:
.wrd-testimonial-one-item .flaticon-quotation {
color: #8fb568 !important;
.wrd-testimonial-section .slick-dots button {
color: #8fb568 !important;