Sometime when you try to install a new WordPress Theme you may receive the following error:
Destination Folder Already Exists
It means there is already a folder at ‘/wp-content/themes/’ with same name as your theme name.
For example, if you try to install theme, there is already folder /wp-content/themes/tgymm.
There are 2 options for resolving the above issue:
Option 1. Access your site via FTP (you need to create an ftp account and access your site folder via it). Then deleteĀ /wp-content/themes/yourthemefolder, then try to install it.
Option 2. In case you don’t have FTP account and access to your site, you can:
- Extract your theme zip file
- Rename theme folder, i.e. ‘tgymm’ to ‘tgymm1’
- Zip the new folder, i.e.
- Try to install
It will install your theme to /wp-content/themes/tgymm1 folder