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How to Increase WooCommerce Variations Count Limit

How to Increase WooCommerce Variations Count Limit

By default WooCommerce allows you to enter up to 50 different variations per product. In case you want to increase that value (i.e. to 200), it will require a small code change:

  1. Login to your Admin Panel
  2. Navigate to Left Menu -> Appearance -> Theme Editor
  3. Open functions.php for edit
  4. At the end of the file (before last occurence of ‘?>’) insert the following code:
function tishonator_woo_variations_limit( $limit ) {
	$limit = 200;

	return $limit;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_rest_batch_items_limit',
  'tishonator_woo_variations_limit' );

5. Save Changes