In some cases you may want to display the result of a shortcode as Main menu sub-item. Here are all of the necessary steps:
Let’s use the ‘Login Logout Shortcode’ plugin as an example:
it provides a shortcode for Login/Logout i.e.
[login-logout text_to_login=”Login” text_to_logout=”Logout”]
and we want to display the above shortcode result into sub-menu item.
- First step is to navigate to Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Editor then open header.phpCheck the wp_nav_menu:<?php wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’,
‘walker’ => new tishonator_Description_Walker,‘items_wrap’ => ‘<ul id=”%1$s” class=”%2$s”>%3$s’.tishonator_additional_menu_icons().'</ul>’,
) ); ?>If there is tishonator_additional_menu_icons included, it’s ok and no need to add anything.
In case it’s missing, the the following line:
‘items_wrap’ => ‘<ul id=”%1$s” class=”%2$s”>%3$s’.tishonator_additional_menu_icons().'</ul>’,
- Open functions.php, find function tishonator_additional_menu_icons() {, and below $result = ”;Insert the following code (marked in bold):
function tishonator_additional_menu_icons() {$result = ”;
$result .= ‘<li><a href=”#”>Custom Item</a>’;
$result .= ‘<ul class=”sub-menu”><li>’;$result .= do_shortcode(‘[login-logout text_to_login=”Login” text_to_logout=”Logout”]’);
$result .= ‘</li></ul></li>’;
You can replace the Shortcode code ( [login-logout text_to_login=”Login” text_to_logout=”Logout”] ), with your shortcode code.