If you plan to create a new Shopify 2.0 theme the recommended approach is to use Dawn theme as a blueprint and then proceed with your customization. Here is a quick guide how it can be done:
1. Install Shopify CLI
The first step is to install Shopify Command Line Interface (CLI) on your computer. It is based on node.js and you can install it by running the following command on Command Line:
npm install -g @shopify/cli @shopify/theme
2. Init your theme
The next step is to init your theme by running the below command:
shopify theme init
It will prompt you to enter your theme name, then it will clone the Dawn theme from the corresponding Shopify repo and apply the new theme name.
3. Goto your new theme folder, i.e.
cd your-new-theme-name
4. Start dev server
First, you will need a Shopify development store i.e. https://your-dev-store.myshopify.com
Then execute the below command to upload your theme and dev activate it. So, the local changes you apply to be deployed on your dev sandbox:
shopify theme dev --store your-dev-store
5. Once the dev work is ready, you can push your theme to a Shopify store by running the below command:
shopify theme push --store your-dev-store.myshopify.com
Additional Resources
Here are additional resource my might check to improve your Shopify dev work:
GitHub integration: https://shopify.dev/docs/themes/tools/github
REST Admin API resource: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-rest/2024-01/resources/asset
GraphQL Admin API: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql
Shopify Theme Inspector for Chrome: https://shopify.dev/docs/themes/tools/theme-inspector
Analyzing your Liquid code: https://shopify.engineering/in-depth-liquid-render-analysis-shopify-theme-inspector-chrome-extension
Importing products with a CSV file: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/products/import-export/import-products?shpxid=49956b67-B530-42F7-677E-B5D9C3934D83
Test product CSV: https://shopify.dev/csv/theme-performance-shop-product-data.csv
Google Lighthouse: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/lighthouse/overview/#devtools
Shopify Lighthouse CI GitHub action: https://shopify.dev/docs/themes/tools/lighthouse-ci
View the store in your Shopify partner account: https://partners.shopify.com/current/stores?shpxid=49956b67-B530-42F7-677E-B5D9C3934D83
Viewing managed store performance: https://help.shopify.com/en/partners/dashboard/managing-stores/store-performance?shpxid=49956b67-B530-42F7-677E-B5D9C3934D83
Accessibility insights for web: https://accessibilityinsights.io/en
WAVE: https://wave.webaim.org
JSON template: https://shopify.dev/docs/themes/architecture/templates/json-templates
Theme app extension: https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/online-store/theme-app-extensions