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How to Add Bitcoin as a Payment to Your WooCommerce Store (Updated: Jan 2022)

How to Add Bitcoin as a Payment to Your WooCommerce Store (Updated: Jan 2022)

I wanted to freshen up the website by adding Bitcoin as Payment option into Checkout. The only problem was I didn’t have any experience with it. So, I had to spend some time for research and I decided to document all of my steps. If you don’t have any experience with Bitcoins, but you want to enable it as a payment gateway into your WordPress/WooCommerce website, you may find the steps below useful:

1. What is Bitcoin?

It is a digital (crypto) currency and there is NO a bank or government behind it. Instead of my attempts to give a good definition, here is a video which describes it better:

2. You need a Bitcoin Wallet

In order to be able to send/receive bitcoins you need to create a Wallet. You can choose between different options: Desktop, Hardware, Mobile, and Web. Different options have pros and cons, so I’d suggest to read more about them and choose the most suitable one for you.

References: https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet

The Bitcoin wallet address is a row of 34 characters and digits (starting with 3 or 1), i.e.


You will need your Bitcoin wallet address for further configurations (simply copy-paste it to a text document for further use).

3. Configure a Bitcoin Payment Gateway Plugin for WooCommerce

3.1. Install and activate the GoUrl WooCommerce (Bitcoin Altcoin Payment Gateway Addon) plugins:

They are free Plugins which add all of the necessary functionality your customers to be able to pay with Bitcoins on your store.

3.2. You need to create an account at GoUrl.io (Global Coin Payment): https://gourl.io/

3.3. After you are signed in GoUrl.io, you need to create a Payment box for your online store

Navigate to GuUrl.io -> Account -> Quick Links -> Your Payment Boxes

GoUrl Payment Boxes

Then create a new one by clicking on ‘Create New Payment Box for Your Website’

GoUrl create new payment box

Then fill all of the necessary fields, make sure you enter Your Bitcoin Wallet Address and proper callback URL, i.e. https://yoursite.com/?cryptobox.callback.php

Once the payment box in GoUrl is created, two keys (Public and Private) will be generated. You need to copy them for next step usage.

3.4. Navigate to Your website Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> GoUrl Bitcoin -> Settins:

GoUrl Bitcoin Settings

Then enter the Public and Private keys from there generated in previous step:

Enter GoUrl Public and Private keys

and Save changes.

4. Activate the Bitcoin Payment Method

Once the GoUrl.io is properly configured, you just need to enable the new payment method:

Navigate to Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Open ‘Payments’ Tab, then Activate ‘Bitcoin/Altcoin’ option and save change:

That’s all. You can test by opening your store, adding a product to basket, navigate to Checkout page and choose Bitcoin as payment option, you should see the Bitcoin payment box:

Bitcoin Payment Option
Pay Now Bitcoin

15 Responses to “How to Add Bitcoin as a Payment to Your WooCommerce Store (Updated: Jan 2022)”

  1. error: MySQL Error: Table ‘xxxxxxxxx_db.crypto_files’ doesn’t exist; SQL: SELECT fileID as nme FROM crypto_files LIMIT 1

  2. I operated above steps but bitcoin/altcoin payment is not showing on my store checkout page. What should I check further?

    • Hi Trissea,

      You need to activate the ‘bitcoin/altcoin’ payment method. We’ve updated the guide with that step

  3. Its showing this wallet address -1tRN4cH1xixY5AyovGouKPscoh3SevBpL – and not the one I entered. Any reason for this?

    • Hi Murrey,

      that should be the wallet address of GoURL. The amount is first transferred to their account and then they will transfer calculated amount after fee to your wallet address.

      • Unfortunately, this is a HUGE RED FLAG! It goes through you first – therefore it is not peer-to-peer. This means that your GoUrl company has the connecting link that they can cut off at anytime they see fit! They can keep the money/crypto or they can BLOCK either the sender or receiver from further transactions! No thanks!

  4. hi! i do this, and test , is all right, but on the step 4 i can not see bitcoin/altcoin as a payment method, jus is not there!

  5. hi..i done all of this…but i have not the icon of bitcoin/altcoin and checkbox for it in payment tab of woocomerce setting

  6. I can’t see the button to even save my bitcoin cash payment box keys. I’m using wordpress.com

  7. HI i am using same wp theme and plugin , but i can not see the escrow feature on my website , can you please suggest how can i use escrow feature for this theme and plugin ?

    Thank you

  8. Binance Account paid though the dogecoin ,the binance suspend my customers ‘s binance account . How I solve the problems ?