We’ve just release ver. 2.2.0. It affects All of the premium themes from us. In the new version, we’ve added:
1. Open Slide URLs in a New Window
You can update your Slider Slides URLs to open in a new window:
1) Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Customize
2) Slider Section
3) Check ‘Open Slide # URL in a new window’ for a slide if you want the Slide URL link to be opened in a new window (see screenshot above).
2. Show/Hide Sidebar
There are 2 new Customize options to show/hide Sidebar in Posts and Pages:
1) Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Customize
2) General Section
3) Check ‘Display Sidebar in Posts’ checkbox if you want to display Sidebar in your website Posts.
Check ‘Display Sidebar in Pages’ checkbox if you want to display Sidebar in your website Pages.
3. Display Sidebar in Left
You can now change the Sidebar position in your website:
1) Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Customize
2) General Section
3) Check ‘Display Sidebar in Left’ checkbox if you want to display Sidebar in Left Position in your website.
4. Offices Contacts Updates
We’ve REMOVED Contacts Section from the Customizer. In this way, we made the Customizer to load/update a little bit faster.
Now you can add Office contacts directly into Offices Contacts Widget:
1) Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Widgets
2) Add ‘Offices Contacts’ widgets into some of the Widget areas
3) Fill Offices details and Save.
There are also 2 options for Office Phones.
Note: If you have purchased a premium theme from us in the last year, you can download version 2.2.0. using the download link from the email, already received by us with a download link of the theme.